Services Suitable for all types of research and statistical institutions
Alrifai Center for Research and Studies (ACRS) specializes in humanities and social science research on the Arab region and its international interactions.

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Alrifai Center for Research and Studies (ACRS) specializes in humanities and social science research on the Arab region and its international interactions.
To conduct and promote cutting-edge research in the humanities and social sciences, deepening understanding of the MENA region within its global context. ACRS generates impactful insights that contribute to informed policy-making, social progress, and cultural enrichment. We foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and open dialogue through research, publications, and community engagement.
To be a leading research center, renowned for its impactful contributions to understanding the MENA region and its interconnectedness with the world. ACRS fosters greater awareness, promotes informed decision-making, and contributes to positive social change within the MENA region and beyond through its research. We aspire to be a hub for intellectual exchange and collaboration, nurturing a vibrant community of scholars and researchers dedicated to generating knowledge that benefits society.
Director of the Centre
Dr. Ismail AlrifaiDeputy Director for Research
Dr. Koutibah AlrifaiOur agency can only be as strong as our peopleagenhave ther businesses Duis aute irure dolorreprehDuis auteirur olor inrep
in voluptate businesses.
12/A, Pk House New York, US
(+0) 1800 333 56560
Alrifai Center for Research and Studies (ACRS) is an independent research institute specializing in humanities and social sciences, with a particular focus on the MENA region and its interactions with other areas.
5 Hillcrest Lane, Irvine, Brazil, United States
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